Impaired Pedestrian Perils: Dangers of Walking Drunk in Buffalo

Sep 2018

Buffalo auto accident attorneyMany studies focus on the hazards of driving drunk in Buffalo, and further about how this can heighten the risk of pedestrian accidents.

What tends to get less attention is how dangerous impaired walking can be for pedestrians. Whether you’re walking or driving, alcohol consumption can cause delays in judgement.

How prevalent is the risk?

Recently, The Washington Post reported more than one-third of pedestrian accident victims killed in 2016 were over the legal limit of alcohol for motorists, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. That’s a significant increase – from 300 in 2014 to 2,000 just two years later.

Of course, there is nothing illegal about walking impaired; it’s certainly much safer than driving. However, those who walk while impaired are more likely to engage in dangerous actions like crossing outside of a crosswalk, crossing against the signal, walking in the roadway and stepping directly in front of traffic.

Alcohol impairment inevitably affects one’s reaction time and overall judgment, sometimes resulting in poor decision-making. Some traffic safety experts say many of those who are walking while intoxicated fail to consider whether or not drivers can see them.

What to do if you’re injured in a pedestrian accident

A study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety notes that it’s not just total pedestrian accidents that have increased in recent years. Deaths in particular have increased, climbing 54 percent in urban areas. These fatalities are more likely to involve the larger-model sport utility vehicles.

The IIHS said one of the biggest problems is that roads aren’t designed with pedestrians in mind, lacking crossing locations that are both safe and convenient. This can spur walkers to risk running across multiple lanes of traffic rather than walking long distances to the nearest signalized intersection. The addition of more sidewalks, pedestrian-activated beacons, street lighting, and pedestrian crossings have been shown to reduce pedestrian deaths.

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, an experienced attorney can help. Contact the Law Offices of James Morris to discuss your options.

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