Posts Tagged ‘Child Injuries’

Playground injuries plague New York playgrounds. Be prepared.

Playgrounds are great places to bring children on warm, summer days. Playgrounds can also be hazardous. Each year, emergency rooms treat more than 200,000 children under 14 years old for playground injuries across America, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In some severe cases, such injuries, like a head injury or bicycle accident, can even lead to death.

The most common type of non-fatal playground injuries and injuries in school include severe–fractures, internal injury, head injury, dislocations and amputations, according to the CDC. The vast majority of these types of injuries happen on public playgrounds at schools. Statistically, girls get injured more often than boys. And the age group most likely to be injured at a playground is children 5 to 9 years old.

Playground injury cases are complicated. In New York State, statute of limitation laws put restrictions on how long someone can seek compensation for such injuries to children. Confused? Scared? We can help. The Law Offices of James Morris know how to get results. We thoroughly understand the law and know how to aggressively fight to get you the justice you deserve.

Playground injuries are serious. Take action. Contact the Law Offices of James Morris today. We’re on your side to provide you with your rightful personal injury compensation.

The information contained in this communication is provided for informational purposes only and should not be constituted as legal advice on any subject matter.